Thursday, January 14, 2021
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Friday, July 6, 2018
Saving Marriage and Relationship through solving the Problems

Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Single and Happy – Finding Contentment From Within With the Right Mindset

A lot of single people are dissatisfied with their lives. They
spend most of their time lamenting the fact that they are not in
a relationship, and the rest of their time looking for a
relationship. Thus, they become discontent, dissatisfied, and
tend to complain a lot. They consider their being single a major
disadvantage or shortcoming in their lives. In fact, their being
single somehow becomes their identity. It’s as if being single
has an actual bearing on who they are and how their lives turn
out. And the tendency is for them to feel like a victim of the
world, like the universe is really conspiring against them so
they would be unable to find someone to be with.
1. Change your perspective on singlehood. The real problem in
being single is having the wrong mindset. In truth, being single
does not and should not have a major effect on your life. You
should be able to find contentment and peace in yourself whether
you are attached or not. You should not let a relationship, or
the lack of it, be the anchor of your personality. And if you
used to be single, you don’t have to change yourself once you
become part of a relationship. You should have hobbies,
interests – a personality – that remains even when you
transition from being single to being part of a couple. Thus,
being single shouldn’t really bring a significant change in who
you are. Your being single does not, in any way, make you any
less valuable as a person. So you have to break free from the
mindset that your lack of a partner dictates who you are.
2. Confidence sells. If you are not some lonely, single person,
then who are you? Once you change your mindset and take away the
“singlehood label” you’ve placed on yourself, you can now focus
on getting to know who you really are without anyone to dictate
it for you. This way, you can focus on building and enhancing
your personality. The more you know yourself and the more you
expand yourself, the happier and more confident you will be. And
the more confident you are on your own, the more attractive you
will be to others. After all, nothing sells better than
Subliminal messages can help you improve your confidence in
yourself. These are messages that are delivered to your
subconscious mind to change how it works. These messages can be
delivered with the use of subliminal videos and audio. Here are
some examples of subliminal messages that are beneficial for the
single, independent you:
I am independent and strong.
I have a high level of confidence in myself.
I am at peace with myself.
My happiness and contentment comes from within.
3. Live your life now. A lot of people put off their greatest
hopes and dreams for when they already get married. Their list
of goals start with getting married, and all other goals pale in
comparison. They think their lives will only begin once they
settle down. The truth is, there’s no need for that. You can
live your own life right now; in fact, you should do everything
you want to do while you still can. Once you get married, you
will have more responsibilities and less freedom.
4. Use your singlehood as motivation. Most married people don’t
really go out to explore and experiment in life anymore. They
have a dozen other things to spend their time on. Once you get
married, you’ll understand. But single people are not attached
to anyone or anything, so you can still explore and experiment
all you want. Instead of looking at your singlehood as a
negative thing, why not see it as a motivation to get more out
of life?
5. Your career is not the only option. Most people tend to
think that since they’re single, they might as well pour
everything they have into their careers. Focusing entirely on
your career will only make you see the large gaping hole of
singlehood in your life. Aside from that, if you focus too much
on your career, once something goes wrong at the office, you
won’t have a fallback anymore, and the more you will wallow in
self-pity over not having a partner to turn to in such tough
times. But if you have many things going for you, like your
career, a yoga class, a book you’re reading, a charity you
support, and so on, you won’t notice your lack of a relationship
About the Author: Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal
Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Online. Click for 4
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Subliminal Messages!
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Friday, May 6, 2011
How to Handle a Man Who Isn't Ready for Commitment! Learn the Smart Way to Handle It

Is your man reluctant to commit? Well prepare yourself for some emotional torture if your answer is yes. Do you know that all humans want certainty in life especially when it comes to their relationships but nothing can be more difficult than having to deal with a guy who just can't make up his mind about you!
Now the big question is - How do you deal with him? Will he ever commit? Will he ever finally make up his mind? How long will it take?
You see these questions will always be there. But the biggest question is - Should you even be around when he can't make up his mind? Let's get into a bit more detail here...
If it's been really long then it's probably a "NO" -
Sounds awful but this might be the truth in your case and some day you will have to accept it. Now I am not saying that there are no exceptions to this.
Yes, there are men out there who do change their mind after a few years but that doesn't mean that every man is like that.
Really think about it - If a man has doubts about you in his mind right now, what makes you say that those doubts will go away with time? In fact! Do you know that in most cases a man gets even more doubtful with the passage of time?
Is there something I can do to convince him?
Well NO! There isn't anything you can do to convince him. If he really wants to be with you, he will do it. But if he doesn't, he will always have one excuse after another.
So honestly speaking you would be wasting your time if you are planning to convince him to commit to you. And at the end you will only end up with even more frustration.
So what's the solution?
The only solution to this situation is to give your man a lot of space. You should stop calling him completely for the time being. Do not do any of the routine stuff you normally do around him.
You must let him know that you aren't okay with the fact that you have to stick around him when he can't even make up his mind about you. The faster you do this the better it's going to be.
One of the two things are going to happen after you start avoiding him...Either he will want you more than before and will want to commit to you.
Or he will not be bothered at all with your move and will act as if nothing happened.
If he isn't really bothered, then it's more than obvious that he didn't want to be with you to start with and was only keeping you around till the time he found someone else.
You can't cure his commitment phobia -
Again, it's really important that you understand this. You can't sit around a guy in hopes that you can cure his commitment phobia and can make him change his mind about you.
Guys who are commitment phobic have deep rooted insecurities attached with the topic of commitment.
The only best way is to let him go and find someone who wants to commit.
Points to remember -
* Life is limited therefore don't waste your time on someone who doesn't even want to be with you. Go for someone who wants the same thing as you do.
* The process is very simple - If he truly loves you, then he would be more than willing to commit and if he doesn't then there is no real point in being with him because your relationship won't really get anywhere.
* If you don't end things now and still want to stick around in hopes that he might change his mind then you are only setting yourself up for a lot of pain. There are things in life you can change and then there are things you simply can't change. You can't change his mind about you therefore don't waste your time in trying to do so.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Why Don't Men Like Successful Women? 7 Fears Every Man Has When It Comes To Dating Successful Women! By Krista Hiles Platinum Quality Author
Why Don't Men Like Successful Women? 7 Fears Every Man Has When It Comes To Dating Successful Women!
You are confident, sexy, intelligent, independent, and successful. You'd think that you would be a great catch to men! But men seem to AVOID such women, and in turn end up avoiding you. So it appears that men simply hate successful women, and you wonder why men don't like successful women.
It's not that they don't like you, or successful women in general, it's just that they have all kinds of fears surrounding the topic. In fact, these are the 7 fears every man has when it comes to dating successful women:
Will You Overshadow Him?
Men, like women (and everyone else), are insecure. Thus they diminish their insecurities by being in control. A successful women is also in control, so if he dates you, will you overshadow that need he has to feel important, which he fulfills by being in control?
Will You Solve All The Problems Leaving No Challenges For Him?
You're independent and have control of your life, and you are able to problem solve on your own. Men, however, also like to problem solve, and they LOVE challenges. BUT, if they date a successful woman, will she always be trying to solve all the problems, and will she always be taking over that role? It leaves no challenges for him, if she does this; which leaves him feeling useless.
Will You Always Want Your Way?
He might think that successful women are bossy, and always want things their way. That is EXTREMELY scary to a man, to think of a woman who will never compromise, and a woman who will always be pushing him around.
Will You Earn More Than Him?
To some men this matters, because they want to be able to CARE for and PROVIDE for the people who matter to them. If he dates you, and you earn more than him, what will he ever be able to get for you, or give you that you don't already have?
Will People Think He Is Less If He Dates You?
You're successful, popular, and amazing. Maybe he thinks that he is not, and thinks that it's a miss match to date someone like you. He might be afraid of criticism if he dates you, because people will comment on how he's a loser, and how you're not; or your friends or family might look down upon him.
Will You Treat Him Like A Kid?
Since you have everything down pact, and perhaps he doesn't....will you baby him and treat him like a kid to get him to be different? Will you mother him and get on his case for him to change or do the right things all the time, because you're already doing the right things?
Will You Simply Be Too Much For Him To Handle?
Perhaps he is extremely insecure, and you might just be too much for him to handle, because you are TOO amazing to him. Perhaps he thinks you are beyond his reach, and doesn't think he could handle someone as great as you.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here
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